Saturday, September 18, 2010


This is almost 2 months late now but I am behind on this blog obviously since I'm barely blogging JULY.
July 25th was our 2 year wedding anniversary! Tyler wanted to take me shopping since I like NEVER go but I told him I would rather go HORSEBACK RIDING. So we decided to go up to Park City and do just that. I hadn't been on a horse in probably 10 years so I was excited yet nervous because the last time I had been riding horses was when my Dad got bucked off and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
Well needless to say I am still alive so I guess I didn't have much to be nervous about even though my horse got spooked TWICE and started running and jumping- {Can you say TERRIFIED?!} But luckily our guide taught us well ahead of time and I was able to calm my horse back down.
It was lots of fun & I am glad we did it. It was so nice to spend the day with Tyler and not worry about anything else. Sometimes life gets crazy and we get caught up in what's going on and aren't able to take the time to just be together with no distractions.

I love ya babe and couldn't ask for anyone better-- I am so glad we get to spend eternity together!


Megs said...

Happy 2 years! You guys are great together!

Ninjas said...

Oh I am soooo glad you guys made it this far. It gives me hope for my marriage.

Totally kidding. Congrats.


Meghann said...

This looks like a fun and interesting way to spend the day together!

I just have to tell you P's sitting in my lap totally jamming out to your blog music! Made me smile!

Laura said...

Happy two years :) Glad horseback riding was a good experience I miss you two like crazy!
