Monday, August 25, 2008

Grandma's House + Fiesta Fun + Tuacahn = One Great Weekend!

This weekend made me realize that everyone needs a good vacation every now and then. And it seems to me that the best way to make a vacation better is to take your family with you! Having everyone around makes everything seem like it is more exciting. Even though we spent most of the time lounging around grandma's house it is just good to be together. Fiesta Fun was a good break from sitting around all day. Who doesn't love go carts and bumper boats? But Tuacahn was deffinately the highlight of the trip! (except for maybe dinner at The Pizza Factory! ha ha) Seeing Les Miserables in the beautiful setting of Tuacahn was awesome! I was very impressed, and I never really thought theater was my thing! But I would deffinately go again! We should make this a family tradition for sure!!!! Thanks Mom and Dad Gelter for setting up a great weekend and getting us tickets! It was awesome. Hopefully we can organize several other family get aways in the future!

1 comment:

Meghann said...

It's crazy how the family keeps growing, and how much fun we all have together.
