Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thank Heaven For Guardian Angels!

Today I recieved a phone call from Rachael informing me that there was another car wreck in our family. It wasn't us this time, but it still served as a reminder of how thankful I am to have a heavenly father who is always looking out for us and is always there to help us in our time of need. I don't have exactly all of the details of what happened, but I got the majority of the story. Both of Rachael's brothers, their wives (Megan and Meghann), our neice Emerie, and our unborn nephew Porter were on their way to Kaysville for a cousin birthday party. It had been raining all day and as they were on the freeway a truck hydro-plained and clipped the car they were driving. From what I understand it sent them into a spin that ended up with their car crunched into the median. (sounds like a very familiar circumstance. Not fun!!) Apparently the impact of the crash was enough to, most likely, total Tim and Megan's car. Sorry guys! Even though we weren't involved in this wreck it brough back memories of both mine and Rachael's wrecks over the past year. In my wreck I am thankful for the guardian angel that I know was there with me, and I am glad that our family was being watched after this afternoon. We are so so so greatful that everyone involved in the accident was ok! It is on of life's small miracles that no one in the car was harmed, especially the little babies. We love all of you so very much and don't know what we would do without any of you!!

We want everyone to be safe out there! No more accidents :)


Megs said...

Thanks Tyler!

Meghann said...

You're awesome Tyler!

Tim said...

agreed. thanks!

Megs said...

PS - Thanks for the sweet comments on our blog! We love you guys, too and we are SO glad everyone is ok. I'm sure your prayers were answered! We agree with both of you - we are so glad that the babies are fine, they are the most important! What great blessings!

And yes, NO more accidents...I can't handle any more. Why can't other drivers have respect for themselves and others on the road? Why is there a need for feeling invincible?

Anonymous said...

Gosh I'm so glad they are all ok! Cars are freaky. Maybe we should all start riding public transportation. :)
